Code Articles

Each tutorial video will have a direct link to the code article and to the Wix example site used in that video.  All of our tutorials are free thanks to our Sponsors, Partners and Affiliates!  Huge thanks to WEGLOT for being our exclusive Translation Partner!

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Book like a Boss has a feature called Session Packs that allows clients to book multiple appointments at once.  It can be embed on any website, included Wix!  We created a conversion tool using Velo that will make Book Like a Boss compatible with Wix websites.

Velo Repeaters

Repeater elements are used to display multiple items directly from a database collection within a Wix website using Velo.  Sometimes it is necessary to truncate some characters in order to keep a clean design.

Custom Registration

A custom registration will allow you to manipulate the flow of the registration process and also determine which pieces of data you want to save into the Wix CRM or even a custom database collection using Velo.

Auto Load Dataset

To create a seamless interaction with your repeater data you must use a lazyload function.  This feature will create the illusion of infinite scroll without interrupting the user with button clicks.  This is also mobile friendly.